Travian kingdoms wiki. travian. Travian kingdoms wiki

 travianTravian kingdoms wiki Travian Kingdoms Wiki » Siedler (Gallier) Deutsch (de) Übersetzungen Français (fr) Italiano (it) Magyar (hu) Česky (cs) Русский (ru) Siedler (Gallier) 0 Angriff: 80 Verteidigung (Infantrie) 80 Verteidigung (Kavallerie) 3000 Tragekapazität: 5 Geschwindigkeit: 1 Getreideverbrauch: Einheitenkosten

Travian Kingdoms takes place in an ancient world. Tribes and Nature. Prenons l. Wciel się w rolę króla bądź gubernatora i koordynuj swoją strategię z innymi graczami, aby kontrolować surowce, armie i ziemie. Most of the things you build will be producing culture points, more with each upgrade. For defense, produce large numbers of Praetorians. A seconda di dove fondi il tuo secondo. treasures in the treasury, a king will also receive a bonus on the influence of that particular village. Those special abilities can not be upgraded by the player: : The hero skill “strength” increases by 100 points instead of 80 points for each skill point added. 7k. Kromě vodního příkopu jsou zde vypsané budovy, které jsou pro každý národ unikátní. There are two ways to get to the “Auctions” tab. In der nachfolgenden Auflistung findet ihr eine Übersicht aller Gebäude in Travian. The community moved to Discord . Come capo di una tribù locale, la tua missione è di creare un futuro migliore per la tua gente. Alliances & Secret Societies. UI and Functions. Travian Kingdoms takes place in an ancient world. all_villages = list ( m. At level 1 it hides 200 of each resource (300 for Gauls), and at level 10 it hides 2000 (again, 3000 for Gauls). In the Classic version, the Natars arrive in Travian 260 days after a server begins (90 on speed servers) and hold the key to the building of Wonders, known as artifacts. Announcements. Theutates Blitz (Gallier) erforscht werden, bevor man sie im. Welkom bij Travian: Kingdoms Wiki! Deze Wiki is ontworpen om jou door de oude wereld van Travian: Kingdoms te leiden. Na začátku hry se hráč hrající jako guvernér automaticky stane součástí nejbližšího království. Most of the time the bugs are caused wrong configuration of the plugin. Robber Hideouts will randomly appear in the near of your capital every couple of days. Try and build your Travian kingdoms today! Release Date. Announcements & Information. New features. Questo apre nuove opportunità per i giocatori. com) arabia1N (arabia1n. Assuming 2 heroes are defending; of which one defends together 88 Phalanxes (100 crop supply in total). Hauptseite. Horse: Tier 1 (Gelding): The speed of your hero is raised to 14 fields per hour. Il existe aussi des bâtiments spécifiques à chaque peuple, consultez la page. Other members of the kingdoms keep their status of duke or. Conquering calculator. If you attack and destroy the hideout before. . Chaque élément possède également de petites variantes influant sur le montant du bonus. com: 1 days ago: Add an account to scan this server (0/5) 3: ts8. Hier findet ihr alle wichtigen Informationen über das Spiel und andere hilfreiche Links. These troops must be researched in the Academy before they can be trained in your Barracks. The members of the kingdoms ( governors) are also automatically members of the alliance, with limited rights however. Choose to be either king or governor and coordinate your strategy with other players to control resources, armies and territory. Tylko niewielu przetrwa wystarczająco długo, aby. As a defensive troop, his attack power is minimal. Roman troops are considered the elite of the game in which every individual is strong. Každý hráč začíná hru jako náčelník malé nerozvinuté vesnice obklopené nerozvinutými . Hráči můžou přidávat své vlastní strategie a poznatky. Dans Travian: Kingdoms, il existe plusieurs moyens d'obtenir de l'aide : le centre d'aide, le forum, l'aide rapide et le Wiki vous tendent les bras ! Vous pouvez facilement et rapidement accèder à ces moyens à partir du coin supérieur droit de votre écran : cliquez simplement sur le "?", une fenêtre s'ouvrira et vous pourrez y choisir le. In der nachfolgenden Auflistung findet ihr eine Übersicht aller Gebäude in Travian. Press "Search" Travian Bot. Multi-accounts on the speed server and/or with a population lower than 100 may be deleted without a ban/warning. • Turn your village into a flourishing city. These buildings are available for villages of all tribes. Construction Period Based On Main Building Levels 1-10. Furthermore you can upgrade your village in your Main Building to a city. Bienvenue sur le Wiki de Travian: Kingdoms ! Ce Wiki est conçu pour vous guider dans l'ancien monde de Travian: Kingdoms. Alliance & Secret socety. Select Game World and coords. They are only visible to you and not to others within the . Troops are used for defence and attack as well as carrying loot. Hráči můžou přidávat své vlastní strategie a poznatky. Connect with other players. Diese Ausführung kann im Bonuswert um -10% bis +10% variieren. Ihr könnt es auch durch eure eigenen Strategien und Erfahrungen erweitern. This tier has variants of the bonus of -4, -2, +0, +2 or +4. Tier 2 (Sword of the Swordsman): +1000 fighting strength for your hero; +4 attack and +4 defense for each Swordsman. Travian Kingdoms Wiki » Natur. A level one embassy allows you to join an existing alliance; a level three embassy will allow you to found one. Alliances/Sociétés secrètes. Upgrades to the academy, sometimes in conjunction with upgrades to other buildings, unlock the ability to research new types of troop units at the academy. Animals can be cleared by or by equipping your hero with to capture them. Armors of Health Tier 1 (Armor of Regeneration): +20 health points per day. In order to attack a player using the siege option, you need catapults and/or rams, troops and a target. A target may be chosen using the map, the statistics button or. These villages produce resources more efficiently than normal villages because crop fields are cheaper, have less upkeep, two bonus buildings (Flour Mill and Bakery) and bigger bonuses from oases. com) arabia1x3. مرحبًا بكم في Travian: Kingdoms Wiki! تم تصميم هذا الـ Wiki لمساعدتك وتوجيهك في العالم القديم للعبة Travian: Kingdoms. com: COM1 COM1N COM2 COM2N COM2x3 COM3 COM5 COM6 COMNx3. Read below and decide your compatibility with teutons first. The biggest collection of Travian tools. Building cost (level 1) 720: 685: 645: 250 Requirements. It's recommended to have the crop consumption, or crop usage, not exceed the population limit as it will result in negative wheat; only a Granary, Main Building, and cropland can be upgraded in such cases. Travian Kingdoms Forum. Con la possibilità di ampliare i villaggi in città, Travian Games ha creato una caratteristica del tutto nuova per Travian: Kingdoms. The bonus given to your troops by this wall as a percentage is (1. The 2 nd tab or “Buy” section is used. Can someone clarify what the difference is? I noticed that Kingdoms also seems to have a mobile app on Android. Ihr könnt euren Helden auch als Unterstützung in andere Dörfer senden, so wie ihr es auch mit anderen Einheiten tun könnt. Here you can view the information about the Kingdom, Alliance and/or Secret Society you are in or you can found a new one. Travian Kingdoms Wiki » Héros. Black Swan. Romans are one of the three tribes in Travian and they are usually the second most popular tribe (30-40% players of each server are usually Romans). If defending solo, keep villages close together. Rise of CulturesThis means the Travian Kingdoms team can only answer requests sent via the Travian Kingdoms Help Center directly from the account/avatar, or requests sent from the email address registered to the account. These resources are available for villages of all tribes. Players can add their own strategies and insights as well. In the Trade Office you can upgrade your merchants' carts and improve them with better horses. In wild oases, all animals need to be defeated first. How to find elephants in Travian? 1. Posts by Maximus#RU(41) The community moved to Discord . Pokrývá nejdůležitější aspekty hry. It is unknown if this rule has been enforced, however it has been know for sitters to be the sole tender of an account for more than a month continuously despite the rule. Help and Support. Katonai Statisztikai. Different races merchants can carry different amounts of resources. As the leader of a local tribe, your mission is to create a better future for your people. Quality of Life Changes ~ Volume 5. Räuberlager - kleine Anpassung, große Wirkung. This Wiki is designed to help guide you through the ancient world of Travian: Kingdoms. Being a wiki about a game, it is part of Wikia's Gaming hub, but is over shadowed by bigger wikis such as RuneScape Wikia, WoWWiki, Halo Nation and many. (Boots of the Warrior): +50% speed on the. Come and join us there! The forum is set to read only and will be gone at the end of the year. 5/T4. In the Trade Office the merchants' carts get improved and equipped with powerful horses. Trade systems fully run by players enable the right person to make a fortune. Kdykoliv se můžeš sám korunovat nebo se připojit k jednomu z okolních království jako. For defense, produce large numbers of Praetorians. جمّع أكبر عدد من نقاط النصر واربح. Travian Kingdoms EN Forum. The percentage added to your production is based on the gross production of Clay Pits. Les gouverneurs nommés duc par leur roi ont. Each tab in Quick Help offers links to more detailed information. Zpráva: data. This means the Travian Kingdoms team can only answer requests sent via the Travian Kingdoms Help Center directly from the account/avatar, or requests sent from the email address registered to the account. 02^level)*100, and a list of how many rams are needed to completely destroy a wall of a certain level is below. That is because this guide is directed at those who start day 1. are cheap, they are not fast and so Teutons are best for close range attacks. Der König oder die Königin leben im Palast. travian. Get pinged when your favorite game world starts. Time is the most important thing in Travian, especially so for Attacking armies. Further information, helpful statistics and detailed data are just a click away. com: 06 Nov 2023:Travian Kingdoms rozgrywa się w starożytnym świecie. with at least one unit, it counts as occupied and will belong to a kingdom instead. Play now Travian Kingdoms. Quests (DE) Anfängerschutz. This means the Travian Kingdoms team can only answer requests sent via the Travian Kingdoms Help Center directly from the account/avatar, or requests sent from the email address registered to the account. A Warehouse is where you store Wood, Clay, and Iron. Prepare a humble but determined mindset: Travian is a war game with both military and diplomacy. Travian Kingdom server script free. Recently we have found all elephants on these servers: 22 November 2023: ts4. Přihlásit. If defending solo, keep villages close together. This means the Travian Kingdoms team can only answer requests sent via the Travian Kingdoms Help Center directly from the account/avatar, or requests sent from the email address registered to the account. Travian Kingdoms is one of the best multi-player strategy games for your browser! Rule over your kingdom. For 20 gold, you can get the bonus which grants a 25% production increase of in all your. It is not transferable from Travian 4 to Travian: Kingdoms or the other way round and also is not transferable from one lobby account to another. Losing a village does not diminish your CP count. The community moved to Discord . Menu. Only few will survive long enough to rule the world. Select the governor and send the invitation. Display Name. It covers the most important aspects of game play. Wenn ihr weitere Informationen über volksspezifische Gebäude benötigt, besucht bitte unsere Spezialgebäude-Seite. It is not transferable from Travian 4 to Travian: Kingdoms or the other way round and also is not transferable from one lobby account to another. Below is a list of buildings from Travian. The land is brimming with nights and barbarians in this sequel to the online city-building strategy game Tribal Wars. Allianzen/ Geheimbünde. You can have 1 active treasury by default then you can assign additional slots to yourself and your dukes for every 4000 treasures in your kingdom. Welcome to the playground for grown-ups. Il couvre les aspects les plus importants du jeu. The defense is much larger though. Kingdom Unions. from tkpy import Map m = Map ( driver ) m. Vyberte název budovy pro více informací: Infrastruktura. Truppe Galliche. Note: All gaul. international. La communauté Travian Kingdoms. arabics. Map expansion. Spearfighter (Teutons) As a defender, the Spearman is a powerful weapon. Il couvre les aspects les plus importants du jeu. 6 and below, the new T4 servers give you a hero as soon as you sign up. Nom d'utilisateur: Ce nom existe déjà ou contient des caractères interdits. Learn more. Search by answering questions. Almost all successful hammers in the end game are teutons . Alliances/Sociétés secrètes. The higher its level the more your merchants are able to carry. 0 English Čeština English Deutsch Français. After you have clicked on the crown button in the map's circular menu, the invitation window will appear. By increasing its level, you can order the fabrication of even better weapons and armor. Difficult adventures gives more experience but also more damage. To explain some of the bad reviews about this plugin so far; 1. Beginners Protection. Learn more. The community moved to Discord . Username: This name already exists or has not allowed chars. (Boots of the Warrior): +50% speed on the. • Raid ROBBER CAMPS and steal resources. Ci auguriamo che ti possano aiutare ad iniziare e rispondere alle domande più comuni che ci hanno fatto i giocatori. Announcements. The Legionnaire should be generally used as your support infantry/backup infantry. 1. Più è alto il suo livello, più risorse possono essere trasportate nello stesso tempo. Beside the name, URL and version you will also find the first day date, count of players, player tribes distribution and many more. You can transfer your Gold after deleting your account on a server or once the server has ended. with at least one unit, it counts as occupied and will belong to a kingdom instead. Message: data You need login to the Travian-Kingdoms Lobby. Onkel Jun 22nd 2023. What are the differences between a. — Helmet of the Horseman Helmet of the Cavalry Helmet of the Heavy cavalry. To hold a Great Celebration, the Town Hall must be level 10 or above. The Trapper is a Gaul-specific building, each level giving you the opportunity to build more traps starting at 10 per level but then increasing to 400 traps at level 20. Alliances & Secret Societies. Combined with the regular Barracks, you can build your troops twice as fast in one village. Please note that all items only work for either the hero. wiki. Jump to Content. 1k. train_troops ( village=0, units= [ 1, 2 ], interval=600) village: index of village which the bot is going to train troops (starting at 0) units:The player providing more supply than just the hero will get a bigger share of experience. Let’s recap what we already know about the new tribe. První byla zachovat vzrušující atmosféru aukce a tu dále vylepšovat. Das Wiki wurde erstellt, um euch durch die antike Welt von Travian: Kingdoms zu führen. But don't get this gleaming fact get you. Ces bâtiments sont disponibles pour tous les villages et tous les peuples. numbers are needed to succeed for many long distance attacks and will be relatively expensive to feed. Of course, they can be outbid by other players. Code Issues Pull requests Travian Bot that works for T4. Kérlek add meg a felhasználói neved. Come and join us there! The forum is set to read only and will be gone at the end of the year. Also, Check out how to make a. Votre héros vous représente dans le monde de Travian. 2. Wonder of the World villages are very important for winning the server. Al Mercato puoi scambiare risorse con gli altri giocatori. Kérlek vedd fel a kapcsolatot a Support-al. Gaul Troops. A kingdom doesn’t only consist of villages, but usually also a couple of oases. Annonces et Informations. Travel a world so vast that it takes days for the fastest rider to cross it. The Trapper is a Gaul-specific building, each level giving you the opportunity to build more traps starting at 10 per level but then increasing to 400 traps at level 20. Higher levels reduce. Klikni na budovu pro více informací:Travian Kingdoms. Armour (Helmets, Chest Armour, Boots) Consumables. The influence strength on a specific tile is determined by 3 factors: Population (this time the exact number) The exact formula is: (1+treasure bonus)*population/distance. At the Marketplace you can trade resources with other players. Losing a village does not. Troop Research Tables. The following list - not to be considered complete - shows this wiki's page reference, if any, followed by the full URL and other detail. Les gouverneurs nommés duc par leur roi ont. Die Belagerung ist eine neue Option, die euch in Travian: Kingdoms zur Verfügung steht. Něco se pokazilo. There are two small portals on both sides of town. Ferocious Teutons, tough Romans and crafty Gauls will be on your side - or in your way. comThis means the Travian Kingdoms team can only answer requests sent via the Travian Kingdoms Help Center directly from the account/avatar, or requests sent from the email address registered to the account. Chaque section de la page est détaillée ci-dessous. Zum Start des Spiels wird der Spieler automatisch dem Königreich zugeteilt, das ihm am nächsten ist. Something goes wrong. Valami rosszul sikerült. Italiano Magyar Nederlands Norsk Polszczyzna Suomi Svenska Türkçe Česky Русский العربية. This will give you the ability to use an extended farm list to send out countless troop formations with one click. com: beta. Dont build any resource fields there, only train troops to raid nearby villages. Input . Forum Statistics. are strong defense against cavalry – combined with the Roman Praetorian they are efficient, strong defense. Ez a Wiki segít megismerni a Travian: Kingdoms ősi világát. for taking villages from others. Main menu Create attack report; Inactive search; Other Documentation; Pricing Changelog 2. Minden játékos úgy kezdi a játékot, hogy egy kicsi, fejletlen falut vezet, amelyet kiaknázatlan nyersanyag-lelőhelyek vesznek körül. If you want to get an overview on all the different troops of each tribe, please check these links:Message: When you first start playing on a Travian: Kingdoms server you will get beginners protection (BP). Travian Kingdoms. Jako dowódca lokalnego plemienia, masz za zadanie zadbać o lepszą przyszłość swoich ludzi. It is advisable to build a Cranny before your Beginners Protection ends, upgrading it to cover the resources you normally hold, particularly overnight accumulation. You will need this before you can join or create an Alliance. This means the Travian Kingdoms team can only answer requests sent via the Travian Kingdoms Help Center directly from the account/avatar, or requests sent from the email address registered to the account. Um eine Belagerung auf andere Dörfer starten zu können, benötigt ihr Rammen, begleitende Einheiten und ein Ziel. Chaque section de la page est détaillée ci-dessous. With a Rally Point level of 20 and a minimum of 20 catapults attacking, you will gain a second strike; for that strike a different target. تعلّم المزيد. It covers the most important aspects. Only few will survive long enough to rule the world. kingdoms. Culture points (CP) are a prerequisite of settling or conquering a new village to extend your bailiwick. Thus Theutates Thunder would be the thunder of the god of the village, or more succinctly; "Thunder of the Village God". Travian Kingdoms. Distinction between the games. Currently, both are available in international servers, including Tournament servers. Wilde Oasen beherbergen Tiere (Natur), bevor sie erobert werden. 6k Posts 8. Italiano (it) Translations Dansk (da) Deutsch (de) Français (fr) Magyar (hu) Nederlands (nl) Norsk (no) Polszczyzna (pl) Suomi (fi) Svenska (sv) Türkçe (tr) Česky (cs) Русский (ru) العربية (ar) Guida principianti. The two kings rule together. Allianzen/ Geheimbünde. Multiple healing tents can be built in. Gauls are excellent at defending, but an aggressive tactic is possible, too. Artifacts are categorized into 8 types, each gives different bonus to each owner. The Barracks is the building in which infantry troops are created. Ces niveaux deviennent disponibles à des moments différents du serveur. Travian: Kingdoms Wiki'ye hoş geldiniz! Bu Wiki size, antik Travian: Kingdoms dünyasında yol göstermeye yardım etmek için tasarlanmıştır. Select Travian domain. Titel: Benötigt Weitere: Je ein Feld auf 1 150: 150: 100: 50 Kornspeicher bauen 0: 0: 0: 500 Getreidefarmen 1 260: 350: 260: 70 Rohstofflager bauen 300Travian Kingdoms Wiki | Accademia. A cranny is a building that hides resources from attackers. Jen někteří přežijí dost dlouho. Con la possibilità di ampliare i villaggi in città, Travian Games ha creato una caratteristica del tutto nuova per Travian: Kingdoms. Anything you produce or receive above the warehouse capacity just goes to waste. Polszczyzna (pl) Když Development Team posuzoval změny, stály před ním tři výzvy. Travian Kingdoms Wiki » Guida principianti. Jeder Spieler beginnt im Spiel als Verantwortlicher für ein kleines, einfaches Dorf, umgeben von . Healing Tent. Ephor lowers enemy village loyalty by 20-25%. from tkpy import Map m = Map(driver) m. The community moved to Discord . La Reggia protegge il villaggio dai nemici che vogliono conquistarlo. A Menhir can be. Threads 1. TK-Tools is a set of tools specialized in the management of kingdoms for Travian Kingdoms. Ces bâtiments sont disponibles pour tous les villages et tous les peuples. 3 niveaux d'équipement dans Travian: Kingdoms. 3. Please enter a Username. 2. Scegli di essere re o governatore e coordina la tua strategia con gli altri giocatori per controllare risorse, eserciti e territorio. The community moved to Discord . The page name is generally the abbreviation that the game shows in title bars (but initial-capitalised here because wiki pages do that automatically). com: 14 Nov 2023: 21 November 2023: ts50. Prove what you are made of against thousands of other players and earn your place in the world of Travian. This guide is intended to help people through the first 72 hours of the server and some of the tricky decisions to be made during this period. This item is stackable. Hero Resurrection Costs. Palace vs Residence. It's found in a battlefield in the plains. Travian Kingdoms. Keep in mind that all the animals above Bear can kill its contemporary max tier travian troop in single combat. Gold is only transferable between servers of the same country/extension (same domain, e. Roman Troops. Each tier will be released at different times into the server. The village can be developed by constructing new and upgrading existing ones; with Travian: Kingdoms you can now also make your village to a City. Gauls are the most peaceful of all three tribes in Travian. Theutates (a. Healing takes the returning time of the troops but a minimum of 24 hours. Alliances & Secret Societies. In case you cannot find the answer you need on your own you'll get a chance to contact us at the end. Travian T4 runs on dozens of servers catering for many languages. Una città è il risultato del continuo sviluppo di un. Travian Kingdoms Wiki | Roman Troops. What is a Wonder of the World? A Wonder of the World (also known as WW) is as astonishing as it sounds. Please feel. Travian Wiki is an encyclopedia all about the game Travian. Two neighbouring kingdoms may unite to form a larger and more powerful kingdom. Animals can be cleared by or by equipping your hero with to capture them. This is to make it possible for the defending troops to kill the entire attacking force if they are powerful enough. Allianzen/ Geheimbünde. Travian kingdom is newer less popular and more pay2win version of travian. They are rare. Please contact the Support. With. 3. Selectionnez un type de ressource pour obtenir plus d'informations.